? Trois-bRivi?/b¨res sa srait vraiment nice jveux vous revoir et j?esp?¨re pouvoir ??tre ? Plus sur commande le 22 f??vrier prochain. I. Kamyla Says: January 13th, 2008 at 6:24 pm. Hi guys is true? u will come to brazil? b....../b please guys comme back 2 montreal me n my friend missed the concert cuz i whase on bvacation/b and she wouldint go without me?WE WHER CRYING SOOOOOO HARD PLEASE I HOPE ITS NOT UR LAST CONCERT OF THE NEW ALBUM!!!! WHER A HUGE FAN! b.../b
we walked along the shore the brivia/b schiavoni by the san zaccharia stop and saw all the bhotels/b with outdoor dining. we saw lots of people with cute dogs not on leashes. they were so well behaved. no barks or poops/pees. b.../b
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